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Видео ачыктамасы

Voiceover:Gavin has these horses. Is the number of horses in each picture below more than, less than, or same as the number of horses Gavin has? Let's first look at how many horses Gavin has. He has one, two, three, four, five, six horses. Let's remember that and let's compare each of these amounts of horses to the six horses that Gavin has. Let's look over here, over here we have one, two, three, four, five, six horses. This is the same number that Gavin has, they're just arranged differently. This is the same, we'll put in the Same as bucket. Now, here we have one, two, three, four five horses. This is less than the six horses that Gavin has, five is less than six. Here and I can just look at this and see that there's more than six but we can count them. We have one, two, three, four, five, and then another five that's going to be 10. Or we can say one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10. Well 10 is more than six, 10 is more than six, so we'll put it in the More than bucket. Now here we have four and four well that's going to be eight. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. It's again, that is more than the six up here. That's more than six and then here we have one, two, three, four horses. Well four is less than six, so I will put that, I will put that in the less than, in the Less than bucket just like that. Let's check our answer to see how we did. We got it right.